Nom Nom Tabemono

Nom Nom Tabemono: The Perfect Sandwich

With the incoming rainy season and temperatures moving ever upwards, we have officially entered the summer season. One common concern is finding the energy or interest to make food at home when all you want to do is lay in front of the aircon and die.  My suggestion, then, is to focus on food that … Continue reading

Jack-O’-Lantern Kabocha Cookies
Nom Nom Tabemono

Jack-O’-Lantern Kabocha Cookies

By Mel Tee Here is a simple and delicious 5-ingredient recipe perfect for Halloween! The recipe is in English and Japanese so you can share it with Japanese co-workers. (*Starred notes in parentheses are my personal notes/suggestions.*) かぼちゃのソフトクッキー Jack-O’-Lantern-Shaped Kabocha Squash Soft Cookies 材料(12枚分、1枚分=約94kcal) Ingredients (Makes 12 Cookies, 1 Cookie = approx. 94kcal) ① かぼちゃ 1/15個 … Continue reading