The Samurai Republic
Historia Mundi

The Samurai Republic

Background In the waning months of the Boshin War of 1867-1868, a conflict between the forces of the Meiji Emperor and that of the Tokugawa Shogunate, the Shogun’s cause was quickly entering its death spiral. Despite the assistance of a cadre of French military officers led by Jules Brunet, the Shogun’s forces suffered defeat after … Continue reading

Romans in Japan?
Historia Mundi

Romans in Japan?

By Ryan Molloy In the past month, I came across a very intriguing article regarding the discovery of something amazing on the island of Okinawa.  During an archaeological excavation of the Katsuren castle, a team of scientists discovered coins from the Roman empire dating from the 4th century CE. The coins feature busts of various emperors of … Continue reading